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How to Navigate Relationships with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

[Trigger Warning: Article makes mention of mental health crises and suicidal ideation.]

Relationships are hard. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) makes them harder.
You have the best intentions to do it differently this cycle yet somehow, every cycle, you feel UNHINGED. No matter how hard you try, you unleash the luteal beast every damn month.
Or perhaps it's the swirling existential questions like:
  • Is this person right for me?
  • Do I even deserve them?
  • Should we get divorced?
If PMDD is creating pain and turmoil in your partnership, read on for how to communicate effectively all month long so you feel more understood and your partner feels less attacked.

Why does PMDD create conflict in relationships, especially with my partner?

With PMDD, it's common to feel like one person the first half of your cycle and a completely different person the second half. 
Let's start by connecting the dots between what's...
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Celebrating 3 Years Creating Waves in the PMDD Community

Opening the Doors to a Global Coaching Practice for Mental and Menstrual Health


In August, our team celebrated 3 years since opening our doors.


We set out with a lofty mission:

To help thousands of menstruators free themselves from the debilitating mood and menstrual symptoms so that that they can live out their purpose.


Correction: We actually didn't pause to celebrate back in August. We kept on forging ahead... to keep evolving, researching, and refining our methods to continue helping more people... better and faster.  So now, in the New Year, we're taking a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate how far we've come and where we're going next.


How the PMDD Revealed Program Came to Be

3 years ago, I had this crazy idea that I could help people suffering from debilitating mood and menstrual symptoms with a functional medicine and nutrition approach.

At the time, there were very few people in the world doing this. I honestly had the thought, "Maybe...

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Podcast Episode: Mindfulness for PMDD ~ All About Mindful Nutrition with Mandy Rother

PMDD & Emotional versus Mindful Eating

Mandy Rother joins Diane de Jesus on the Mindfulness for PMDD podcast.

Before we dive into this episode, we have to share a little bit about how Diane and Mandy know each other. Diane was a client of Mandy's inside the PMDD Revealed program.  After achieving immense relief during their work together, she has since gone on to start her own podcst to support others with PMDD. 

We call that the "Ripple Effect". When our clients are no longer losing days of their life every month suffering from PMDD, they can live out their purpose and make an impact on the world by giving back to their communities.  

That's exactly what Diane did when she launched her podcast.  And she even returned to the PMDD Revealed program as a guest mindfulness teacher to give back to her peers. 


Here's a snapshot of Diane's story:

"I have experienced a 98% decrease in symptoms after 3 months of working together. Mandy provided...

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Do you have "Post-menstrual HUSTLE Syndrome?"

How many days per month do you lose to PMDD?

Chances are, you’ve already calculated the percentage of your life that you lose to PMDD. 


But what you may not know is that almost every single person I talk to who experiences PMDD also suffers from what I call “Post-menstrual Hustle Syndrome.” 


What’s that, you ask?  It’s a term I made up because after losing so many days, you likely do the following as a result:

  • Make up for the shame and guilt of what just happened by hustling for your worthiness (as Brene Brown would put it). 
  • Make up for lost time by getting as much done as possible before the next “storm hits.”
  • Make amends and repair damaged relationships, hoping they’ll stick around… although you’re starting to doubt why they would. 


Oof. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

But I promise you there’s a different way. 


Limits, Not Limitations


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Podcast Episode: Flow State Podcast ~ Histamine & PMDD

What even is histamine and what do allergies have to do with PMDD?

"Functional dietitian expert Mandy Rother, RDN, LDN sits down with us again to talk about some histamine issues – its role in PMS or PMDD and so much more!"

We cover:

  • What is histamine?
  • What role do histamines have in PMS or PMDD?
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Are histamines the root of PMS or PMDD for everyone?
  • Distinguish between histamine intolerance & Mast Cell Activation
  • What’s the connection between gut health and histamine intolerance?
  • What role do genetics play when it comes to PMDD?
  • How can we use genetics as a tool to support treatment of PMDD?

Catch the episode here.

Is this you? Interested in a functional approach to PMDD? Schedule a chat here


*All information on this site is general information and education only and is not meant to be personal medical advice or a substitute for a medical evaluation.

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Podcast Episode: Flow State Podcast

Do you feel like you've run out of options?

Join Mandy, Monica & Norah on the Flow State Podcast. We dive in to the functional approach to PMDD & why it can be more effective than other forms of treatment often recommended for PMDD.

Have you tried everything and still feel no relief from your symptoms? This episode is for you!

We cover:

  • Mandy's personal story with PMDD
  • What's the difference between PMS and PMDD?
  • The important first steps to take if you suspect you have PMDD
  • Can I have PMDD and other conditions?
  • Why the functional approach is different & why it works

Catch the episode here.

Interested in a functional approach to PMDD? Schedule a chat here


*All information on this site is general information and education only and is not meant to be personal medical advice or a substitute for a medical evaluation.

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A new way of journaling for PMDD, that's not all about the SYMPTOMS.

It's time to call a truce with PMDD. 

 That starts by listening to symptoms with curiosity. Symptoms = information

Symptoms are the language of the body. They are more like warning lights, begging for our attention and care. 

While symptom tracking is essential both for diagnosis and gauging the effectiveness of any type of treatment, we talked about ZOOMING OUT and seeing what other information the cycle has to offer. I know, I know... that's a tall order when symptoms cast their shadow over everything. But with curiosity, you may be surprised about what you discover. 


We are CYCLICAL BEINGS living in a non-cyclical world. 

What the heck does that mean?

Our bodies, needs, capacity, limits, and strengths are DIFFERENT throughout the cycle. Yet, we are conditioned to push through and meet society's demands of us, as if we are always the same. 


"... the cycle itself isn't the problem; instead, it's REVEALING a...

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