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Podcast Episode: Flow State Podcast ~ Histamine & PMDD

What even is histamine and what do allergies have to do with PMDD?

"Functional dietitian expert Mandy Rother, RDN, LDN sits down with us again to talk about some histamine issues – its role in PMS or PMDD and so much more!"

We cover:

  • What is histamine?
  • What role do histamines have in PMS or PMDD?
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Are histamines the root of PMS or PMDD for everyone?
  • Distinguish between histamine intolerance & Mast Cell Activation
  • What’s the connection between gut health and histamine intolerance?
  • What role do genetics play when it comes to PMDD?
  • How can we use genetics as a tool to support treatment of PMDD?

Catch the episode here.

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*All information on this site is general information and education only and is not meant to be personal medical advice or a substitute for a medical evaluation.


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