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Success Stories

You have your own story, with wounds and triumphs unique to only you. Yet, you may find yourself whispering "Yes, me too" as you read the beginning of these stories.

If you can relate to the struggles shared by these brave souls below, know that the relief and success they share is possible for you too. 

Are you ready for relief? 

I'm ready! Let's talk.

Stop losing half of your life to PMDD.

Let's meet 1-on-1 to decode your period problems.

Together, we'll play detective to look at your cyclical symptoms to suss out the underlying root factors. We'll explore WHY what you have tried hasn't worked and what's missing. From there we'll map out your path to peaceful periods. 

Schedule Your Strategy Session

"I have experienced a 97% decrease in symptoms after 3 months of working together. Mandy provided the most dramatic positive results of any healthcare provider I have worked with. It was everything to me."


In order to keep my head above water and keep my life from imploding, I had to make my life very small. Every month, for 2 entire weeks at a time, I experienced a wide range of severe symptoms that affected both my physical and mental health. I could no longer be myself. 

I had thrown absolutely everything I could think of at this problem. Then, I found Mandy. Mandy is not only a dietitian specializing in Integrative and Functional nutrition, she's also a mom living with PMDD. I felt Mandy was able to empathize, understand what I was going through, and offer a truly holistic assessment and plan, designed to help me tackle the areas that were the most problematic for me. Whenever I found challenges in actually implementing one of our plans, Mandy always had excellent tips for how to make our plan work within the context of my real life.

The financial investment I made to work with Mandy was 100% worth it. She has helped me get my life back. If I knew in advance the extent of the results I would see from working with Mandy, I never would have hesitated.

I have experienced a 97% decrease in symptoms after 3 months of working together. I'm able to have more fun with my son and my husband. Working with Mandy provided the most dramatic positive results of any healthcare provider I have worked with. It was everything to me. I respect and value your work.

-Diane D., Client & Fellow Registered Dietitian

"I feel like I have control of my life back. My PMDD mood symptoms are almost completely gone."


I felt like my life belonged to PMDD. I couldn't even take care of day-to-day necessities like walking the dog or getting my laundry done. Mandy's testimonials and her experience were what drew me to her. I thought if she could give me even 10% of the relief others have said she was able to provide, it would be worth trying.

There are so many positive changes that have come out of this work that it's honestly hard for me to list them all. I feel like I have control of my life back. My PMDD mood symptoms are almost completely gone. My body feels stronger and healthier. My mind is clearer. I no longer have a dark cloud looming over or near me at all times, I have been able to get in touch with my spiritual side for the first time in years. I believe in myself and trust myself now.

Mandy doesn't follow fads or just guess as to what might be causing your symptoms, she takes data from as many sources as she can and makes extremely well-informed recommendations based on that data and her experience. Then, she actually helps you implement them. She doesn't just throw a solution out and make you figure it out yourself. When I say Mandy works with you, she really works WITH you, and it's been phenomenally helpful to have someone so knowledgeable and passionate in my corner the whole time. She's like my coach and my cheerleader at the same time, in the best kind of way.

-Jess S.

"After working with Mandy, I have my life back. I'm not depressed, and my suicidal ideation is pretty much nonexistent now."


Before working with Mandy, I was struggling immensely with PMDD. I had taken a semester off from college due to the severity of my symptoms (depression, suicidal ideation, rage, apathy). I had been trying different antidepressants and they did not help reduce my symptoms.

The biggest fear I had about investing in coaching was that it was another treatment option that would not help me. I felt like I was running out of options to effectively manage PMDD. But I was inspired by her positive energy, hopefulness, outline of typical treatment, and her story of suffering with PMDD. 

After working with Mandy, I have my life back. I'm not depressed, and my suicidal ideation is pretty much nonexistent now. I feel motivated and excited to live my life. I'm nurturing relationships again, I have fewer mood swings. I can take on challenges and set more goals without burning out quickly. Mandy is one of the most caring and considerate health professionals I've worked with. Even in my darkest days, I knew that she cared and wanted to see me living a better life. Mandy is invested in your health and happiness.


"When Mandy says she leaves no stone unturned, she means it. All of my PMDD symptoms have improved drastically."


Before working with Mandy, my PMDD symptoms were getting so bad that it was deteriorating my quality of life each month. I hit a wall and didn't know what else to do. During my luteal phase I was highly irritable, anxious, had severe cravings, brain fog, I was easily startled and often overwhelmed and hopeless

I think the biggest hesitation was the financial investment due to the fact that I have tried SO many things in the past that had not helped me. I have also done some other coaching programs in the past (not health related) that did not give me the results I was hoping for.

Working with Mandy has changed my life! I FEEL better than I have felt in years. I now know what type of foods to fuel my body. I lost weight. She helped me identify important changes I could make to improve my overall health, she empowered me to ask better questions to my doctors, she taught me so much about my cycle.

Most of all, I feel more like myself. When she says she leaves no stone unturned, she means it. 

-Kellie S.

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"Each month working with Mandy I feel like I'm coming back to life. Mandy's knowledge shined a light into my dark hole and her empathy and support helped lift me out of it."


Prior to seeing Mandy I felt trapped in an endless cycle of trying to crawl out of my monthly depression and repeatedly falling back into a hopeless despair. I felt like an empty shell of a person because all of my mental and physical energy went into trying to fight my depression. 

My gynecologist tried various birth controls, my psychiatrist tried various anti-depressants, and my general practitioner recommended lifestyle changes. My biggest hesitation in signing up was that it just wouldn't make a difference.  I had tried so many other methods to fight my PMDD and nothing seemed to help.

Mandy is the only person that I've found who truly understands what her patients are going through.  She understands the complexities of both the mental and physiological issues that surround PMDD. She offers an accessible step by step approach and explains WHY you are doing each step and how it will help. 

Each month working with Mandy I feel like I'm coming back to life. From the first month I noticed my depression easing. The second month my depression lifted even more and my anxiety lessened. By the third month I felt NO depression, my anxiety came down and my energy level started to rise. 


"Mandy is compassionate, empathetic, and incredibly knowledgeable. As a resource, I don’t know what I’d do without her."


I was losing days (sometimes weeks) of my own productivity and joy due to my symptoms. My life was impacted in more ways than I could count. When I first started learning about PMDD, I realized just how few resources really exist.

Mandy stood out as someone who was incredibly well-researched, fact driven, and specialized.

I have a much stronger understanding of what’s happening with my body throughout my cycle, and all of the ways PMDD can impact it. This has helped me not only better recognize and understand my symptoms, but also create a real plan to address them. I’ve been able to improve my blood-sugar regulation and get into an exercise routine, which has been tremendous for my energy levels. 

The fact that I now better understand what’s going on with my body is invaluable and empowering. I can take better care of myself, thanks to the awareness and tools she’s given me, in a way that would’ve never been possible without this program. If you’re suffering from PMDD that kind of understanding is powerful for self preservation, care, and ultimately nourishment.

-Samantha M.

"I am so much happier. I now notice less anxiety and stress, less depressive symptoms, and "good days" are the norm." 


I felt miserable before finding Mandy. I was dealing with poor gut health, headaches, hormone imbalances, and PMDD symptoms. They were causing sleep disturbances, mood swings, depression, and anxiety. I was unable to carry on a normal social life, and was always exhausted, and letting that affect my whole life.

I didn't have the knowledge or data to figure out what was going on with my body or the tools to solve the issues. Only after working with Mandy was I able to make the changes necessary to improve not only my physical well-being, but also my mental health.

Mandy uses a data-driven approach to solve her clients’ health issues, rather than taking shots in the dark. She tailors treatment specifically for each person based on their labs rather than making broad recommendations that may or may not work. She maximizes the value of your time and money; I was able to make huge, noticeable improvements in just a few months.

I am so much happier. I now notice less anxiety and stress, less depressive symptoms, and "good days" are the norm.  I have experienced noticeable improvements in sleep, digestion, metabolic function, gut health, and regular cycles with minimal symptoms. I feel I am now much more prepared to take on the challenge of motherhood.


"My PMDD symptoms improved by 85% in just 3 months. I am now the mom and wife I have always thought I could be."


My symptoms were effecting my entire family and I hated to person I was. Before Mandy, I did not want to be a mom or wife. I was angry and irritable. My career was being effected and I did not want to go to work.

After our initial call, I felt a connection by all her answers to my questions. She did not want me to go on a strict diet and give up medications I was taking. It wasn't all her way, but what would benefit me the most and make me feel the most comfortable.

I no longer have suicidal idealizations. There are no more screaming fits or running away from my problems. My husband is happier and so is my whole family. I feel that I am a part of my family. 

The best thing that happened to me is that I improved my PPMD symptoms by 85%. I am able to be present in all moments with my family, friends, and even at work. I have more love for myself and am now the mom and wife I have always thought I could be. This was the best money I have ever spent and cannot believe the person I get to look at everyday in the mirror now!


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"I recommend this program (and practitioner) without hesitation. I would ask them to suspend any disbelief or hesitation and give it a shot."


I felt totally out of control, depressed, fed up, and powerless. For 22 years, my symptoms felt so mysterious, and so dominant over my life. I felt hopeless and like I had "tried everything" and yet nothing brought real or lasting relief.

Mandy's Program stood out to me immediately. Finally! A program that is COMPREHENSIVE, thoroughly informed, broken down into manageable bite sizes. Finally a community that is genuinely and regularly engaged with each other. Finally! An approach that considers my mind, body and spirit - as well as every fathomable facet of my health, nutrition, exercise and well-being. 

Mandy earned my trust immediately in our initial exploratory call; she was so kind, warm, relatable, present, committed, and truly informed. She made me feel comfortable & empowered. The program has an amazing amount of information available. The calls were fun and informative, and Mandy provided so many ways and avenues for learning at my own pace. Not only is my period lighter and more manageable (which has truly shocked me), but ALL of my other symptoms have improved in some way or another. I am so glad I went for it!


"Mandy in IN the PMDD trenches with us. She shares openly about her own past struggles and gives both the faith that we can get better."


Before working with Mandy I felt extremely overwhelmed and, at times, like giving up. I had basically every symptom on the PMDD list and was barely having any "good" days. I was unable to be the mother and partner that I wanted to be. I was also not showing up for my team at work the way I know I can.

What made Mandy stand out was the REALNESS! Mandy in IN the PMDD trenches with us. She shares openly about her own past struggles and gives both the faith that we can get better but also the reality that this is not a one-time, magic cure kind of illness. I was met with an understanding and solidarity that let me be a little easier on myself and really accept that something I can't just "push through" I now have a feeling of hope and community. 

My relationship with myself has improved considerably, allowing all of my other relationships to improve. My really-hard luteal days have decreased in length drastically, going from 10 straight days of increasingly difficult to handle rage and negative thoughts to only 2-3 days.

-Evan W.

"I think it's such a huge bonus when someone has been there, struggled with the same things and really knows."


Before working with Mandy, I was severely depressed and misdiagnosed. I was struggling to do "normal" things like work, eat and interact with people. I felt on the edge of a mental and physical collapse. I didn't feel like the diagnosis of depression fit. I was finally diagnosed with PMDD but couldn't find specialized help.

After much trial and error, I finally found Mandy. Mandy has been such a blessing! So awesome to work with, flexible and supportive and knows her stuff!

I think it's such a huge bonus when someone has been there, struggled with the same things and really knows. I'm so thankful to have her as a coach who has truly changed my life! I can now function well at work, at home, and with my family and friends. I'm a changed person! Mandy is so kind and understanding. She really knows how to de-code symptoms and get you the individual help you need.


"I'm a skeptic by nature. I've tried diets and seen doctors without success. Turns out to be the best investment in myself!"


I had been struggling with my gut health, energy, and weight FOR YEARS. I also have a diagnosis of PCOS and PMDD and have had difficulty with any weight loss no matter how hard I worked out or what diet I followed. I was diagnosed with diabetes and finally decided I needed to get serious about my health.

I'm a skeptic by nature. I've tried diets and seen doctors without success. So, I wasn't really sure what was going to happen with Mandy. After meeting with her the first time, I noticed her positive attitude, empathy, and lack of judgement. She encourages where you are. Again, as a skeptic, it was hard to spend the money when I wasn't sure it was going to helpful. 

Turns out to be the best investment in myself! For the first time, I have lost a significant amount of weight. All my lab work has improved. My doctor is so pleased with what I have accomplished with Mandy. I never would have believed I could. Mandy is the best coach I have worked with. 

-Chris A.

It's about time we talk. Schedule here.

"This is a completely different approach from other coaches I have worked with and one of the many reasons I have had the success that I have."


Before working with Mandy, I was at a standstill with my goals. I was completing a workout challenge that left me with very low calories and a very high exercise regimen. My physical and mental health were suffering. I knew I needed to make a change, but the thought of increasing my calories was scary. My biggest fear was gaining weight with an increase in calories.

Mandy took the time to explain and give me the knowledge and ability to understand why and the benefit to my health and well-being. That is what made me invest in coaching.

It has truly been life changing for me. I am physically stronger and in the best shape of my life. Mentally, I am in a much happier place. I am not tired, cold, or crabby because I am no longer depriving myself.

Her approach to health and her knowledge are truly unmatched. My mental and physical health have changed greatly since working with her and that is invaluable to me. I even recommended that my best friend work with Mandy because of her knowledge, education, and passion for her job.

This is a completely different approach from other coaches I have worked with and one of the many reasons I have had the success that I have. Mandy doesn’t just look at calories or macros. She looks at hormone imbalances and overall health and well-being of the individual she is working with. 


"This has been a deeply emotional journey as well as a physical one and she never shied away from my tears and fears."


Before working with Mandy, I was struggling with obesity, inconsistency with eating habits, sugar addiction, low self-esteem, and anxiety about the number on the scale. Mandy stood out from other coaches because of her compassion, going the extra mile to research my concerns, and offering real solutions including testing. She never gave up on me and was a huge encourager and believed in me when I couldn’t believe in myself.

I am now consistent with healthy eating and I understand what healthy foods are and how they impact my physical and mental health for good. The best thing that came out of working with Mandy was meeting an amazingly kind and compassionate woman who continues to persevere with me through all my ups and downs.

You will never regret working with Mandy. This has been a deeply emotional journey as well as a physical one and she never shied away from my tears and fears. She is highly educated, very professional and extremely kind.

-Chris K. 

"After working with Mandy, I finally got my cycle back. It became regular and I feel great! I have fewer gut issues as well."


I was experiencing amenorrhea for 4 years. I was also experiencing gut issues, lack of energy, increased cravings, and trouble sleeping. She took the time to educate me on my blood work. We implemented small changes, and we had follow-ups to see if the changes we did helped my situation. She also is very in depth with her recommendations and action plans.

After working with Mandy, I finally got my cycle back. It became regular and I feel great! I have fewer gut issues as well. I normalized my hormones to a healthy level. The experience taught me a lot about myself. It also taught me a lot of education to help me with my own personal training clients.


"I started to see a reduction in my PMDD symptoms after just a month on my new diet."


Before meeting Mandy, I was very frustrated with my quality of life. I felt like I didn't have any control over my life due to PMDD symptoms. It was almost like fate when I received an email from Mandy. I wanted to find a dietitian to modify my diet to alleviate PMDD symptoms and Mandy was the perfect fit. She has PMDD herself, and I knew that she would be the right person to help change my diet and my life.

My biggest fear with any new treatment route for PMDD is not seeing any difference in my symptoms. Since Mandy is someone that deals with PMDD herself and is familiar with how challenging the disorder is, I didn't hesitate investing in coaching with her. I felt like I had a better chance at success in alleviating symptoms with a dietitian that understood my problem.

I started to see a reduction in my PMDD symptoms after just a month on my new diet. I am also forever grateful for Mandy identifying my Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Without her scrutiny of my previous lab work and her recommendations for follow-up labs, it might have taken years to receive a diagnosis. 

-Molly S.

"I feel like I have my life back. The days I experience PMDD symptoms have decreased to 0-3 days/month."


Before working with Marisa and Mandy, I experienced between 3-8 days of severe PMDD symptoms every month which showed up for me as debilitating anxiety and depression and some OCD tendencies. It made it difficult to consistently show up to my classes in college, caused tension in my relationships, and really made me feel out of control of my life.

For the first time, Mandy's team looked at my health from a holistic perspective. Instead of throwing different medications at me, they took the time to consider my personal routines and symptoms and how a combo of lifestyle changes and natural supplements could give my body the help it needed.

The days I experience PMDD symptoms have decreased to 0-3 days/month, and I have regained so much of my energy back after struggling with mono symptoms for 6+ months.

I feel so much more in control of my life and have a sense of knowing that I can get through it even when my symptoms pop up. I feel like I have my life back.

-Hannah B.

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"I’m finally able to be present with my kids versus struggling through the day."


Before I started working with Mandy I was struggling with extreme fatigue, brain fog, postpartum depression, anxiety, and weight loss. I wasn’t able to make it through the day without taking a nap. 

I thought I was doing everything “right” (eating a healthy diet, exercise, etc.), but still having zero results. I was hesitant before getting started because I was afraid of not being able to commit and stay the course. She worked with me to figure out what worked best with my lifestyle. She didn’t try and give me a one-size-fits all solution. She instead worked with me to create life-long habits.

She really took time to dig in deeper to what was going on and help solve the problem I was having. She has helped me with every single symptom I have. She helped me find the root cause of my issues as well as lose weight. I’m am so thankful I found Mandy.

I’m finally able to be present with my kids versus struggling through the day. I don’t need a nap every day and the brain fog, postpartum depression, extreme fatigue are gone. My anxiety is even so much better. 


"I can't emphasize enough how detailed, intelligent, and compassionate Mandy is and I highly recommend her to anyone struggling with PMDD."


I had already seen so many practitioners without resolving some of the issues I was struggling with and I was unsure whether anyone could help me. I was experiencing a lot of fatigue, depression, and anxiety for the two weeks before my period. The fatigue was sometimes so debilitating that it was hard to get through my day. My symptoms severely interrupted my ability to do well at my job.

Since working with Mandy the fatigue before my period has reduced drastically. I also feel that the mood symptoms I was experiencing for the entire second half of my cycle have now been condensed to just a few days before. I now feel like I have a better understanding of my specific needs and also just having far fewer difficult days each month is incredibly valuable to me.

Mandy really took the time to carefully go over my entire history as well as the results from further testing I did with her. I felt like after working with her I had a much better understanding of my body and my cycle. She is extremely thorough and is able to make recommendations that are very personalized and tailored to the individual.

I would say that Mandy is an amazing option to work one on one to work through some of the difficult symptoms of PMDD.  I can't emphasize enough how detailed, intelligent, and compassionate Mandy is and I highly recommend her to anyone struggling with PMDD.

- KJ

"Working with Mandy has allowed me to take my power back and learn how to be in control of how I am feeling and how I am reacting to those feelings."


Between my PMDD and mental health issues, it seemed like I was nothing more than a list of diagnoses. I was constantly alternating between sad, angry, and numb with some good days sprinkled in. The "traditional" route of antidepressants, other psychiatric medications, hormonal birth control, and therapy helped, but my symptoms always seemed like a pot of water that was seconds away from boiling over.

Due to my PMDD and mental health issues, I felt like no matter how much work I did, I would never be truly happy or healthy.

The fact that Mandy and I have had similar struggles made me feel connected to her before we even met. After talking with her and hearing more about the program, I was truly blown away by her extensive knowledge of nutrition and feminine health. Not only does Mandy work with her clients to find solutions, but she also goes out of her way to explain what is going on.

Finding both of those things in a program/practitioner at a reasonable price is almost unheard of. I was originally hesitant about several things when joining the program. I did not want to spend money if the results were not guaranteed. After doing a lot of thinking, I realized that for the amount of information and support I was getting, the price was incredibly reasonable. I also realized that no results are ever guaranteed, no matter what treatment route I decided to take. I took a leap of faith and I am really glad that I did.

I also was hesitant because I am a perfectionist and I feared judgment if I was not the "perfect patient". Mandy has gone above and beyond to put that worry to bed. Not only does she offer a nonjudgmental environment, but she also does a great job of making her patients feel heard.

I have experienced improved sleep quality, boosted mood and energy levels, tools to help me meet my physical (nutritional) and emotional needs on hard days, decreased digestive issues (bloating, stomach cramping, nausea) that correlate with my cycle, and decrease in disordered eating habits (binging and/or forgetting to eat).

While there have been many incredible things about working with Mandy, I would say that the best thing that has come from this journey is finding hope again. For a long time, I was resigned to the fact that I was only going to improve so much. Working with Mandy has allowed me to take my power back and learn how to be in control of how I am feeling and how I am reacting to those feelings.

-Campbell M.

"I'm finally taking action."


Before working with Mandy, I was dealing with PMDD on my own. I decided to work with her because she knows exactly what I’m going through and doesn’t sugar coat the hard stuff.

I'm finally taking action. Working with her has helped me become more self-aware of my choices. Mandy comes with an open heart and mind and it makes you feel better as a person because you are not alone. 

After just one month, my symptoms have reduced by 50%! If my best friend came and asked about working with Mandy, I’d tell her to lay it all on the table and TRUST that this will help. 


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"Mandy considered all angles while having the science and data to back it all up. "


Before working with Mandy I didn't have any data to help me learn why my body was doing what it was doing. I was under-nourishing myself, causing me to have brain fog and anxiety.

Mandy took a holistic approach and considered all angles while having science and data to back it all up. My tests (blood work and gut analysis) tell the story of my body. She listens and her programs are highly personalized.

I was apprehensive to invest in my health. However, I took the plunge and learned SO much about my body.Mandy gave me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone and stop restricting what and how much I was eating. It’s been so much fun exploring different options and cooking.

-Mara M.

"Her comprehensive approach combined with cutting-edge interventions and in-depth personalized assessments make her a very unique dietitian."


Before working with Mandy I was fatigued, experiencing brain fog, and dealing with stagnant weight. I decided to work with Mandy because she is compassionate, kind and non-judgmental. Mandy has the kindest language that she uses to talk about our bodies.

Her comprehensive approach combined with cutting-edge interventions and in-depth personalized assessments make her a very unique dietitian. Mandy is a one-of-a-kind nutritionist! She portrays a high level of professionalism and sincerity in every task she undertakes. She firmly believes in eating right and using the highest quality nutritional supplements available, thereby giving her clients the ability to quickly achieve and maintain their personal health goals and live a happier, healthier and longer life.

-Amy W.

"Life felt like trudging through cement before this program. Now my relationship to my partner has never been better."


Before working with Mandy, I had been experiencing debilitating anxiety, anger, and loneliness in the weeks leading up to my period for 16 years. My symptoms were so bad that I would be anxious all month long, and would try to mask them with over-achieving, people-pleasing, and perfectionistic tendencies. This led to intense feelings of self-loathing, shame, and dark intrusive thoughts about my self-worth. Sometimes I just wanted to run away from everything.

Life felt like trudging through cement before this program. I "played it safe" in almost every arena of my life. I missed out on a lot of joy, exploration, and healthy relationships in my late teens and twenties.

When I discovered this program, I was in the middle of Googling everything I could about PMDD. I wasn't sure if I would be able to figure it out on my own and/or experience an improvement in my symptoms. 

She delivers scientific information in a palatable way, and weaves it in with goal-setting and various other self-management strategies.  As an anatomy and physiology educator, I have continuously been impressed by Mandy's content and ability to break down information into manageable chunks. This information has resonated with me so much that I am integrating some of menstrual cycle awareness pieces into my reproductive system unit at school - I've seen huge interest in my students! 

I was also afraid that it just wouldn't work.  But there was a specific moment where I felt like I had finally seen the "light" of myself again, and these moments now outnumber the "dark" moments. I have more energy. I have learned how to fuel my body, and rest when I need it. I have learned how to tune in to and tend to my needs all month long, so that my symptoms don't hit me like a ton of bricks during my luteal phase. I have learned how to eat more intuitively and mindfully, and this has allowed me to lose weight that I had gained when my symptoms were at their worst. Now that I have more mental space, I am able to live and explore life in a way that feels enriching and authentic.

The deep loneliness I felt for years has subsided almost entirely. I have grown closer with so many people in my life as a result of this program. I have learned how to love myself as I am. My relationship with my partner has never been better. I already have told my sister, who is navigating a potential PMDD diagnosis, about this program. 

Tess C.

“Mandy targets the complexity of PMDD. I no longer have crying spells and less depressive symptoms and no panic attacks.”


Before working with Mandy, I had intense crying spells that made it difficult to cope at work and in my relationship. I also started having depressive symptoms and panic attacks. I felt scared, alone and in a long waiting line to see a specialist. I knew I just couldn’t do all of this alone. Work, relationships, and connection with others suffered.

Being a single mom made me have awful anxiety about not being able to take care of my daughter. I would have such anxiety that I often had to leave, isolate, and hide.

I researched everywhere and was recommended Mandy’s program. I took a leap of faith when someone with PMDD could say with confidence they did not experience symptoms anymore. I also felt hesitant to use antidepressants and hormonal birth control as a first-line treatment. I thought I would try something without so many side effects first.

As a result of working with Mandy, I no longer have crying spells. Less depressive symptoms and no panic attacks. I have also noticed a change in my confidence. She targets the complexity that comes with PMDD while understanding that everyone has a daily life to attend to. I needed practical strategies as well and she delivered.

Andrea L.

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“Before working with Mandy, I was experiencing severe depression that left me bedridden and hopeless with 14 symptomatic days.”


Before working with Mandy, I was experiencing severe depression that left me bedridden and hopeless with 14 symptomatic days. I was unable to think clearly at work 2 weeks before my period and it was hard to maintain relationships or get out of bed due to fatigue during luteal. 


Mandy’s PMDD Revealed program stood out to me because of her data-driven approach and labwork consultations that influence supplementation/protocols. It's guided by your own lab work and lab tests so you get highly customized protocols.


Since doing this work with Mandy, I’m more able to participate in work & life during my luteal phase. I've lowered my symptomatic days and I have better digestive patterns. We did great work together! I appreciated learning what was under the hood with the gut zoomer and lab results review.

Cynthia M.

“I took the dive and decided to invest in myself. I now tell everybody to work with a functional nutritionist to get their health and mental health on track. You will not regret it.”


Before working with Marisa and the Reveal team, I had a lot of excess belly fat and weight hanging on me after years of stressors, birthing my two children, and the trifecta of PCOS/hypothyroidism/endometriosis diagnoses. All of this threw my hormones off to the point where despite living a relatively healthy lifestyle, I wasn’t getting results.

I was never able to feel confident in myself, my body, or my ability to be a healthy role model for my children. I felt sluggish and drained so much that it interfered with any daily movement and made me choose napping over spending time with my kids and husband.

I was initially hesitant to hire the Reveal team because I have tried so many things that were expensive and never delivered results, no matter how "perfectly" I followed those protocols. I ended up telling my husband about the investment and he encouraged me to consider it exactly that: AN INVESTMENT IN ME. (How many mothers do that?!?) I took the dive and decided to invest in myself.

[Now] my digestion has never operated more efficiently. The medical stats from my labs improved so much: my sex hormones (PCOS) appear balanced and I've dropped my cholesterol over 30 points. I've experienced the beginning of weight loss and have energy (no longer napping), less brain fog, and feel more motivation.

The best thing that happened during my work with Marisa was getting to challenge some of the myths and negative belief systems that I have around managing my weight in a healthy way. I know I've created some new neuropathways that are quite positive. I now tell everybody to work with a functional nutritionist to get their health & mental health on track. You will not regret it.

Amber R.

“Before, I did not feel safe in my own body. All of this new knowledge has helped me to feel more in control of my health and my life.”


For years I struggled with a number of symptoms, including anxiety, low blood sugar, nausea and indigestion after eating, and brain fog. I did not feel safe in my own body, my comfort zone had become very small and I felt that through my health struggles I had lost my adventurous and brave personality. I had been down so many dead end paths, had so many false starts and felt like I had made no progress.

Mandy stood out to me because of her incredibly vast knowledge of nutrition and women's health. Knowing that Mandy has also personally experienced her own health journey made our sessions feel like a safe space, almost like I was talking with a friend.

Before working with Mandy my blood sugar levels would drop very low, and sometimes spike quite high as well. By doing some testing, keeping good notes on my diet and making some dietary changes I am no longer having these blood sugar related issues!

All of this new knowledge has helped me to feel more in control of my health and my life! Mandy is very knowledgeable and experienced, but also friendly and easy to relate to. Making lifestyle and dietary changes is a challenging transition, and Mandy helped me to take these changes at a pace that worked with my life and didn't feel overly burdensome.

Jenna R.

“I would have paid Mandy triple what she charged me for the amount of empowerment and freedom I feel after working with her.”


I kept visualizing and yearning for this future me that was FIXED. I didn't know how I was going to get there… maybe via intense therapy, or I had an inkling that it maybe had to do with diet and exercise and my biology, but I wasn't sure. But I yearned for this future me that would stop lashing out at my family, stop feeling these deep feelings of despair and depression, and raging emotions.

I thought there was something wrong with me. Mandy completely dismantled that paradigm. She tore it down in the best way. Mandy provided me with a framework to learn that I do not need to be fixed, that I am who I am and I have needs.

Mandy finally took these different nuggets I had gleaned from other places and books and therapists and dietitians and wrapped it all up in a perfect package that addressed truly what I needed.  Not only did she help me learn what those needs are, but in an anti-perfectionism sort of way, she helped me learn how to meet those needs from so many different angles. Dietary needs, exercise needs, nervous system needs, emotional needs, social needs, and all of this within the framework of who I am as a cyclical being as a woman with my menstrual cycle.

I would have paid Mandy triple what she charged me for the amount of empowerment and freedom that I feel after working with her. 


Street Cred

Because training, credentials, and experience are absolutely essential when you already feel like you've lost too much time not feeling like YOU, you'll see other profesesionals and colleagues vouching for our street cred below.

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"She really will dive into all areas of your internal health. She'll look at your hormones, cortisol, nutrition, gut, and exercise."


When people ask about working with Mandy, I tell them that she's the best out there! She really will dive into all areas of your internal health. She'll look at your hormones, cortisol, nutrition, gut, and exercise. The best investment you could make in your own health! I worked with Mandy personally for my own hormone needs. I also utilized Mandy for all my personal training clients. She is very educated in all areas. She'll help you understand the reason why behind and the importance of the changes she makes. You have to trust the process & be consistent with the recommendations. Investing in your internal health is the best thing ever! Mandy is great and will be there every step of the way!

-Kelsey Martin, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

"She helps her clients customize their nutrition programs based on their current behaviors in combination with their lab data."


Mandy is extremely knowledgeable about nutrition and hormones and really prioritizes her clients nutrition protocols (nutrition, fitness, supplementation, and lifestyle) based on their feedback and lab values. I worked with Mandy professional and personally. I worked with her at a fitness resort where she virtually completed all of my in-club clients lab reviews and also worked with me personally with my goals. I would recommend Mandy as a functional RD because not only is she knowledgeable but she is empathetic and helps her clients customize their nutrition programs based on their current behaviors in combination with their lab data.

-Abby McQueeney Penamonte, Registered Dietitian

"I had the privilege of learning from Mandy and can say that she is an expert in this field and knows exactly how to mold this expertise to best benefit her clientele."


Mandy has such a wealth of experience in the functional nutrition field and can relay this knowledge to her clients and other professionals in a way that suits each scenario perfectly. She is compassionate about what she does and creates such a masterful individualized nutrition plan for her clients using her specialized skillset. I had the privilege of learning from Mandy and can say that she is an expert in this field and knows exactly how to mold this expertise to best benefit her clientele.

Mandy will go above and beyond when it comes to improving health for her clients and those she works with. She will investigate further and dig deep until she finds answers, no matter how complicated a case may be. It is because she cares and is compassionate about what she is doing, and it shows.

Working with Mandy is a life-changer, and anyone would do well to put their trust in her.

-Amy Crees, Registered Dietitian

"Just when you think Mandy has found the root cause of an issue her clients are dealing with, she peels back another layer...."


Mandy always finds a way to dig deeper. Just when you think Mandy has found the root cause of an issue her clients are dealing with, she peels back another layer to ensure the absolute root cause is being addressed, and that a Band-Aid isn't being put on a larger problem. Mandy goes above and beyond to explore all possible root causes and solutions that are best for her clients - not only the best solution, but the most realistic solution for their lifestyle.

Mandy is extremely professional and always goes above and beyond both for her clients and for her peers. Mandy is always helping her colleagues expand their functional nutrition knowledge.

I would recommend Mandy time and time again as a functional nutrition practitioner.

-Julia Dugas, Registered Dietitian

"Mandy uses a science-based approach—no cookie cutter programs like other nutrition professionals."


Mandy is one of the smartest people I know. I consider her a mentor. In the 4 years we worked together, she helped me learned more about the science of nutrition as well as the rest of our team.  She has a wealth of knowledge and always keeps herself up to date.  Even after years of not working together I still reach out to her with questions and even refer those clients who need more in-depth evaluation and support.

Mandy uses a science-based approach—no cookie cutter programs like other nutrition professionals.  She designs every plan based on each individual's needs, not only from a food perspective but also lifestyle and, most importantly, their lab profile.  I would 100% recommend Mandy because, through a holistic approach, she brings all of the piece of the puzzle together to help people feel and look better.

-Laura Sjostrand, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach



"Mandy excels at finding the balance needed to ensure progress without it being overwhelming for whichever client is in front of her."


I often collaborated on clients with Mandy. She was often able to offer another perspective on challenges clients faced. I also referred my more complex clients to her with confidence that she would treat my clients with the care I would. Mandy excels at finding the balance needed to ensure progress without it being overwhelming for whichever client is in front of her. She does not use a cookie cutter approach but approaches each client with the unique approach they need.

I would absolutely recommend Mandy and would even use her for myself. She is dedicated to giving her clients the tools needed to see progress and has the touch needed to guide them and set them up for success. Mandy believes in her clients’ ability to make the changes needed to progress and instills that confidence in her clients with her coaching techniques.

-Katie Hieggelke, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach