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Celebrating 3 Years Creating Waves in the PMDD Community

Opening the Doors to a Global Coaching Practice for Mental and Menstrual Health


In August, our team celebrated 3 years since opening our doors.


We set out with a lofty mission:

To help thousands of menstruators free themselves from the debilitating mood and menstrual symptoms so that that they can live out their purpose.


Correction: We actually didn't pause to celebrate back in August. We kept on forging ahead... to keep evolving, researching, and refining our methods to continue helping more people... better and faster.  So now, in the New Year, we're taking a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate how far we've come and where we're going next.


How the PMDD Revealed Program Came to Be

3 years ago, I had this crazy idea that I could help people suffering from debilitating mood and menstrual symptoms with a functional medicine and nutrition approach.

At the time, there were very few people in the world doing this. I honestly had the thought, "Maybe nobody is doing it because it doesn't work?" I decided to try anyway.

Since opening our doors as one of the first coaching practices in the world to specialize in helping people suffering from symptoms of PMDD, we've supported hundreds of clients.


After seeing client after client achieve immense relief, I knew we were on to something.

After a couple years, our team took this proprietary process and created PMDD Revealed, the first hybrid coaching program of it's kind. This program offers the best of both worlds: deeply personalized 1-on-1 root-cause coaching combined with the wisdom, support, and love of a community.

Most importantly, we're celebrating the number of lives changed and our part in the movement to destigmatize feminine mental health. You can read some of those stories here.


Spreading Awareness of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Part of our mission is also to spread awareness of PMDD amongst both the public and healthcare professionals.


It takes an average of 12 years for people to get diagnosed with premenstrual mood disorders like PMDD. That means there are countless menstruators suffering in silence.


This has to change. Organizations like the International Association of Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) are doing amazing work to provide tools and resources to the public along with hosting professional education seminars.

We're doing our part by collaborating with and meeting with teams of therapists and OBGYNs. We believe that conventional medicine and holistic approaches should NOT be mutually exclusive. Whenever possible, we bridge that gap by collaborating on behalf of our clients and opening the doors of communication with healthcare teams.


Here's what else we have been up to:

  • 🎙️Spreading PMDD awareness through guesting on podcasts and co-hosting workshops.

  • 🛒Joined IAPMD's Shop for Good to give back to the incredible organization that brings us all together.

  • ♀️ Collaborated with and educated dozens of therapists and OBGYNs on Premenstrual Mood Disorders.

  • ⚕️Served as Marea's Chief Medical Officer and reformulated the already-amazing elixir to better support peaceful periods. 

  • 📝Wrote a feature called "Could it be PMDD?" for Cycles Journals to support earlier diagnoses for all.

  • 💫Expanded our program to include guest experts like clinical psychologists, cyclical fitness experts, mindfulness teachers, and more.

  • 👩🏻‍💻Launched the Moody & Menstrual blog to literally rewrite the narrative around mental and menstrual health.


We're growing an army of specialized mood & menstrual practitioners.

And last but not least, we're growing an ARMY to support this mission.

In fact, the first employee of Reveal Functional Nutrition is a former client named Zoe. You can read her success story here. Now she serves as my business wingwoman and keeps things running smoothly and serves as a Peer Coach in the program.  We're bringing on a Creative Director with a lived experience of PMDD and ADHD.  We also hired another practitioner who is trained in our method to support our clients with a root-cause approach. She will be the first of many.


When we stay we're building a team of people who "get it", we mean it.


In our PMDD Revealed Program, we have yoga teachers, mindfulness teachers, and cyclical fitness experts ALL with their own lived experience of PMDD.  They not only have the expertise, but also lived experienced of mood and menstrual challenges so we can skip to the good part of solidarity and getting you relief.


What's next for Reveal Functional Nutrition?

Recently, I was talking to my own coach/therapist about my work and she called me a "PIONEER" in the space and said what I'm doing is REVOLUTIONARY.


☝️That felt WEIRD. It felt uncomfortable. It took me a bit to swallow that pill and own it. After she said that, I settled into my seat and said, "You know what, you're right....So why am I not shouting it from the rooftops?"


Well, because while we're really good at researching, creating, and helping people get results they never thought possible (even if they've "tried it all before"), we're still getting used to being in the "public eye." For example, with my HSP-introverted nature, I don't always love being ever-present on social media. In fact, I'm coming off of a 2-year intentional sabbatical from all social media.  


So this year, I'm challenging myself and my team to be more VISIBLE in order to continue to expand our impact, grow our mission, and help more people.

You can expect to see more of us, in more places. Keep an eye out to catch us on podcasts, in the media, and even (*gasp*) intentionally re-entering the world of social media. In honor of practicing what we preach and not subscribing to society's "do it all and be it all" culture for women, we're building a team so I'm not fighting the good fight all by myself.


Feel like you've tried everything?

Back to doing what we do best: Helping YOU.

What's standing between you and feeling like yourself ALL MONTH long?

What's standing between you and ending the relentless suffering, month after month?

I would guess it's NOT a lack of effort, willpower, or motivation. More than likely, what's standing in your way is you simply don't know what to do... because you've exhausted all your options and nothing you've tried as worked... YET.


We specialize in helping people who have already "tried it all" and failed. Why? Because our process is unlike any other. In fact, many of our clients have already worked with multiple naturopaths and coaches and got no relief. Ouch.

When that's they case, it can be hard to take another leap. What makes this different is our special sauce. We dig deep to address to root-cause factors while simultaneously helping you create a personalized toolbox for more ease and peace within your cycle (NOT more thing on your self-care to-do list).


Let's talk it out during a no-cost no-pressure Strategy Session.

Schedule a FREE 1-on-1 Strategy Session with Mandy!

Before you know it, you'll be a "revolutionary pioneer" in your own health. I know, I know. I promise the idea gets less awkward over time. 😉


DISCLAIMER: All information is meant for education only and is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of disease, nor does it serve as a substitute for medical treatment or advice. You should seek the advice of a physician with any questions or concerns regarding personal medical conditions.


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