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Celebrating 3 Years Creating Waves in the PMDD Community

Opening the Doors to a Global Coaching Practice for Mental and Menstrual Health


In August, our team celebrated 3 years since opening our doors.


We set out with a lofty mission:

To help thousands of menstruators free themselves from the debilitating mood and menstrual symptoms so that that they can live out their purpose.


Correction: We actually didn't pause to celebrate back in August. We kept on forging ahead... to keep evolving, researching, and refining our methods to continue helping more people... better and faster.  So now, in the New Year, we're taking a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate how far we've come and where we're going next.


How the PMDD Revealed Program Came to Be

3 years ago, I had this crazy idea that I could help people suffering from debilitating mood and menstrual symptoms with a functional medicine and nutrition approach.

At the time, there were very few people in the world doing this. I honestly had the thought, "Maybe...

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Healing PMDD Starts with Connection

Welcome to the PMDD Periodical! I'm glad you stumbled across this page. 

As a dietitian, I sometimes feel this weighted expectation to start with the obvious. Everyone expects a dietitian to write posts about a must-have nutrient, a superfood that’s good for this and that, or a supplement with big benefits. 

But we do things differently around here.

There’s a time and a place to delve into important nutrition topics and we will do just that here. We believe in a comprehensive approach that incorporates food as medicine, data-driven interventions, strategic supplements, and a mind-body approach. 

But there’s something more foundational than any of those things that we must talk about first.


One of the biggest joys in my career is partnering with determined individuals to help them reclaim their lives from PMDD so that they can live out their purpose. And as much as I'd love to meet you for coffee and give you a big hug (if you're a hugger,...

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