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Healing PMDD Starts with Connection

Welcome to the PMDD Periodical! I'm glad you stumbled across this page. 

As a dietitian, I sometimes feel this weighted expectation to start with the obvious. Everyone expects a dietitian to write posts about a must-have nutrient, a superfood that’s good for this and that, or a supplement with big benefits. 

But we do things differently around here.

There’s a time and a place to delve into important nutrition topics and we will do just that here. We believe in a comprehensive approach that incorporates food as medicine, data-driven interventions, strategic supplements, and a mind-body approach. 

But there’s something more foundational than any of those things that we must talk about first.


One of the biggest joys in my career is partnering with determined individuals to help them reclaim their lives from PMDD so that they can live out their purpose. And as much as I'd love to meet you for coffee and give you a big hug (if you're a hugger, that is), we're talking about something bigger than you and me. 


So why is CONNECTION so important?

There’s healing in being a part of a group of people WHO GET IT. Feeling seen and being heard is a necessary part of the healing process. Recovery is taken to another level when you are a part of something bigger than yourself and are on stable enough ground to connect with your deeper purpose. 

And guess what? There’s research that social connectedness decreases markers of inflammation like IL-6, CRP, and NF-kB. Yep, the very same inflammatory processes that impact our mood and hormones.

Social isolation, on the other hand, does the opposite. It increases inflammation in a big way. This is the case with real or perceived loneliness. Wow, right?


Let's connect as PMDD Warriors.

If you’re here because you experience severe PMDD symptoms, I know how isolating it feels when nobody gets it. It can feel so lonely, especially if you feel you need to hide parts of yourself to shield your loved ones like I once did. 

So if you’re willing, let’s try something together to feel a little less alone in this moment. 

Pause and imagine: There’s someone else, perhaps across the globe, reading this same article at the same time. You’re each unique in your values, personality, and aspirations. Yet, they are undeniably similar…

…in that dark place they go.  

…in the questions they ask. 

…AND in the resilience they find to keep going.

What would you say to this person, if they're in the thick of the storm, at this very moment?

Write it down. Close your eyes and imagine sending that message all the way to that PMDD Sibling across the world.  

How do you feel now? What emotions and thoughts came up?

How would it feel to receive that kind and loving message back?

I encourage you to fold up that note and save it to read to yourself before your next menstrual cycle. You, my friend, are worthy of that message too.


Our Mission

Our mission is to merge functional nutrition science with compassionate coaching and COMMUNITY. Ultimately, it is to help others to go from being alone in their struggle to being empowered in choices and actions. I believe this sets the foundation so you can take steps towards healing with a comprehensive and holistic approach.

Join the conversations with us on Instagram and subscribe to the PMDD Periodical newsletter. 

Connect with the community at large by following the International Association of Premenstrual Disorders on Instagram and at

If you are currently experiencing crisis, do not go it alone. Visit here for resources and links to find qualified crisis support. If you feel you are at risk, call your local emergency services. 


*All information on this site is general information and education only and is not meant to be personal medical advice or a substitute for a medical evaluation.


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